Quantifying denitrifier functional marker gene abundance from sediments associated with co-occurring Avicennia sp. and Spartina sp. in Chandeleur Islands salt marsh seven and eight years post Deepwater Horizon from 2017-05-30 to 2018-06-13

Dataset extent


This dataset was generated from a study in which sediments were collected from Chandeleur Islands salt marshes to examine the effect of oil exposure on denitrifier functional abundance within sediments associated with Avicennia sp. and Spartina sp. Genomic DNA was extracted from the top 0-7cm of sediment cores at five time points over the course of 2 years (2017-2018) from two salt marsh sampling sites at the Chandeleur Islands. Additional data from this study can be found under GRIIDC Unique Dataset Identifier (UDI): R4.x262.000:0052 (DOI: 10.7266/4BSSB0AZ).


The purpose of this study was to enumerate genes involved in denitrification from sediment samples associated with Avicennia sp. and Spartina sp. from the Chandeleur Islands.

DOI: doi:10.7266/T9N52Q58

Suggested Citation

Patrice Crawford, Nikaela Flournoy. 2019. Quantifying denitrifier functional marker gene abundance from sediments associated with co-occurring Avicennia sp. and Spartina sp. in Chandeleur Islands salt marsh seven and eight years post Deepwater Horizon from 2017-05-30 to 2018-06-13. Distributed by: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information and Data Cooperative (GRIIDC), Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. doi:10.7266/T9N52Q58

Funded by: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI)

Funding cycle: RFP-IV

Research group: Alabama Center for Ecological Resilience (ACER)

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Patricia Sobecky
Maintainer data@disl.org
Last Updated October 25, 2022, 19:33 (UTC)
Created July 27, 2022, 14:34 (UTC)
DOI doi:10.7266/T9N52Q58
ISO.pointOfContact Patricia Sobecky <psobecky@ua.edu>
Place Keywords Chandeleur Island, Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico
Temporal Begin 2017-05-30
Temporal End 2018-06-13
Theme Keywords functional marker genes, Spartina sp., Avicennia sp., salt marsh, long-term oil exposure, denitrification
spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -88.841472, 29.927599 ], [ -88.829308, 29.927599 ], [ -88.829308, 29.86375 ], [ -88.841472, 29.86375 ], [ -88.841472, 29.927599 ] ] ] }