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Transport of biodeposits and benthic footprint around an oyster farm, Damariscotta Estuary, Maine in August 2018

Dataset extent

These datasets were generated from a project in which we examined the effect of flow on biodeposit transport and deposition by calculating a rough aquaculture �footprint� and assessing the resulting impacts of settling waste on sediment geochemical characteristics, erosion, biogeochemical fluxes, and macrofaunal communities.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Kelly Dorgan
Last Updated July 22, 2022, 22:52 (UTC)
Created July 22, 2022, 22:52 (UTC)
Content Create Date 2019-09-13
ISO.originator Kara Gadeken <>
ISO.pointOfContact DISL Data Management
ISO.principalInvestigator Kelly Dorgan <>
ISO.principalInvestigator.1 Kelly Dorgan <>
Place Keywords Dauphin Island Sea Lab, DISL
Temporal Begin 2018-08-02
Temporal End 2018-08-07
Theme Keywords aquaculture, oyster aquaculture, sediment biogeochemistry, sediment infauna, particle sinking rate, microbial mat
Use Constraints Acknowledgment of the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) and the University of South Alabama Department of Marine Sciences is required in products developed from these data, and such acknowledgment as is standard for citation and legal practices for data source is expected by users of these data. Users should be aware that comparison with other data sets for the same area from other time periods may be inaccurate due to inconsistencies resulting from changes in mapping conventions, data collection, QA/QC procedures, and computer processes over time. The distributor shall not be liable for improper or incorrect use of these data, based on the description of appropriate/inappropriate uses described in the metadata document. These data are not legal documents and are not to be used as such.
spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -69.54481, 44.000267 ], [ -69.54416, 44.000267 ], [ -69.54416, 43.999192 ], [ -69.54481, 43.999192 ], [ -69.54481, 44.000267 ] ] ] }