On December 17, 2024 at 4:38:39 PM UTC,
Updated description of Abundance and residency patterns of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in freshwater-influenced estuaries of the northern Gulf of Mexico from
### Abstract 1. Multiple stressors are affecting common bottlenose dolphins in the northern Gulf of Mexico, including two embayments in Alabama, Mobile Bay (MOB) and Perdido Bay (PER), where no comprehensive abundance estimates and residency data are currently available. 2. This study provides the first seasonal abundance estimates and residency patterns for bottlenose dolphins in MOB and PER and discusses the effects of seasonal entry of large volumes of freshwater on dolphin abundance. 3. In MOB, abundance estimates were larger in summer, with the highest abundance recorded in summer 2022 (1,712 dolphins, 95% CI: 1,520-1,928) and the lowest in winter 2019-20 (518 dolphins, 95% CI: 260-1,032). The opposite pattern was found in PER, where abundances were larger in winter, with the highest abundance in winter 2021-22 (191 dolphins, 95% CI: 157-232) and the lowest in summer 2020 (100 dolphins, 95% CI: 81-122). 4. Stronger residency patterns were found in PER, with 28% (n = 52) encountered in more than three seasons compared to MOB where only 9% (n = 57) were encountered in more than three seasons. 5. The two studied embayments support a larger number of dolphins than previously documented and likely provide seasonally different resources, indicating high and potentially complex use of these estuaries. Combined with other data concurrently collected in this area, this study will inform conservation management and strategies for these highly impacted dolphin stocks. ### Purpose The goal of this study is to inform understanding of abundance and residency patterns of bottlenose dolphin populations in Alabama waters that are needed for understanding local ecosystem functions as well as management and conservation actions under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA; 50 CFR 216). To estimate abundance and define residency patterns for bottlenose dolphins in Alabama waters, we conducted dedicated seasonal capture-mark-recapture (CMR) photo-identification (photo-ID) surveys across three years (three summer and three winter seasons). Surveys were conducted in two adjacent estuaries, Mobile Bay and Perdido Bay, to address the crucial lack of information on abundance and demographic parameters for bottlenose dolphins in the region. We also discussed the relevance of established methods (i.e., Pollock’s Robust Design models and standardised CMR photo-ID surveys) in these two embayments with very different characteristics, such as embayment size, level of openness and connectedness with adjacent coastal waters, and volumes of freshwater discharge that affect salinity regimes through time. **DOI: [10.57778/fsqw-pj98](** ### Suggested Citation ### Related Publication Citation Adams, J.D., Speakman, T., Zolman, E., Schwacke, L.H., 2006. 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to### Abstract 1. Multiple stressors are affecting common bottlenose dolphins in the northern Gulf of Mexico, including two embayments in Alabama, Mobile Bay (MOB) and Perdido Bay (PER), where no comprehensive abundance estimates and residency data are currently available. 2. This study provides the first seasonal abundance estimates and residency patterns for bottlenose dolphins in MOB and PER and discusses the effects of seasonal entry of large volumes of freshwater on dolphin abundance. 3. In MOB, abundance estimates were larger in summer, with the highest abundance recorded in summer 2022 (1,712 dolphins, 95% CI: 1,520-1,928) and the lowest in winter 2019-20 (518 dolphins, 95% CI: 260-1,032). The opposite pattern was found in PER, where abundances were larger in winter, with the highest abundance in winter 2021-22 (191 dolphins, 95% CI: 157-232) and the lowest in summer 2020 (100 dolphins, 95% CI: 81-122). 4. Stronger residency patterns were found in PER, with 28% (n = 52) encountered in more than three seasons compared to MOB where only 9% (n = 57) were encountered in more than three seasons. 5. The two studied embayments support a larger number of dolphins than previously documented and likely provide seasonally different resources, indicating high and potentially complex use of these estuaries. Combined with other data concurrently collected in this area, this study will inform conservation management and strategies for these highly impacted dolphin stocks. ### Purpose The goal of this study is to inform understanding of abundance and residency patterns of bottlenose dolphin populations in Alabama waters that are needed for understanding local ecosystem functions as well as management and conservation actions under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA; 50 CFR 216). To estimate abundance and define residency patterns for bottlenose dolphins in Alabama waters, we conducted dedicated seasonal capture-mark-recapture (CMR) photo-identification (photo-ID) surveys across three years (three summer and three winter seasons). Surveys were conducted in two adjacent estuaries, Mobile Bay and Perdido Bay, to address the crucial lack of information on abundance and demographic parameters for bottlenose dolphins in the region. We also discussed the relevance of established methods (i.e., Pollock’s Robust Design models and standardised CMR photo-ID surveys) in these two embayments with very different characteristics, such as embayment size, level of openness and connectedness with adjacent coastal waters, and volumes of freshwater discharge that affect salinity regimes through time. **DOI: [10.57778/fsqw-pj98](** ### Suggested Citation Bouveroux, T., Sinclair, C., Barry, K., Clance, L., Hansen, J., Mullin, K., Rosel, P., & Carmichael, R. 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