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Fisheries Oceanography in Coastal Alabama (FOCAL) acoustic doppler wave and current profiler data from 2020-08-05 to 2021-06-03 (NCEI Accession 0241013)

Dataset extent


The oceanographic community routinely collects time-series data of water current velocity of the marine environment. Such data are essential for establishing baseline characteristics of marine and estuarine ecosystems. This current velocity data from upward looking 600 kHz Acoutic Doppler Wave and Current Profiler (AWAC) is from small coastal ocean observing system 25 kilometers southwest of the mouth of Mobile Bay, Alabama (30.0902 N 88.2116 W), that the Dauphin Island Sea Lab has been operating since 2004. The site is in approximately 20 m of water. These data were collected from late summer 2020 to late spring 2021.


The objective of this ongoing research is to monitor the physical structure of the coastal ocean. This data is a subset of the regularly maintained FOCAL mooring. The site is the longest running time series of water column data in the Mississippi Bight and is an important asset for assessing long-term changes in the physical state of the region. Hydrographic and current velocity data from this site have been used in multiple physical and interdisciplinary studies of circulation, hydrography, and the biophysical interactions associated with the inner shelf of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The DISL mooring, located at 30°05.410'N, 88°12.694'W, 25 km southwest of Mobile Bay, Alabama. The site is in ~ 20 m of water.

DOI: 10.25921/92x0-fy55

Suggested Citation

Dzwonkowski, Brian; Lockridge, Grant (2021). Fisheries Oceanography in Coastal Alabama (FOCAL) acoustic doppler wave and current profiler data from 2020-08-05 to 2021-06-03 (NCEI Accession 0241013). [indicate subset used]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Dataset. Accessed [date].

Associated Resources

  • West End CP Mooring thermistor, CTD, and ADCP Data near Mobile Bay, Alabama from 2004-10-20 to 2018-12-12 (NCEI Accession 0203749)
    NCEI Accession 0203749
    Associated Dataset

  • Fisheries Oceanography in Coastal Alabama (FOCAL) acoustic doppler wave and current profiler data 2018-06-21 to 2019-05-15 (NCEI Accession 0211052)
    NCEI Accession 0211052
    Associated Dataset

  • Alabama's Real-Time Coastal Observing System (ARCOS)
    Alabama's Real-Time Coastal Observing System (ARCOS)
    Associated Project Webpage

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Brian Dzwonkowski
Last Updated July 28, 2022, 21:20 (UTC)
Created July 28, 2022, 21:17 (UTC)
NCEI Accession 0241013
Temporal Begin 2020-08-05
Temporal End 2021-06-03
spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -88.2116,30.0901 ], [ -88.2116, 30.0902 ], [ -88.2115, 30.0902 ], [ -88.2115, 30.0901 ], [ -88.2116,30.0901] ] ] }