The West Indian manatee population in Mobile Bay, AL and surrounding waters (...
Abstract This dataset contains information on manatee sightings recorded in the north central Gulf of Mexico and compiled by DISL's Manatee Sighting Network. Records include... -
Alabama 2019 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Polygons
This 2019 dataset consists of digital vector data describing the location, extent and species composition of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in coastal Alabama, including... -
Flood Risk Data for Biloxi Economic Development Corridor
Abstract First floor elevations of buildings were collected from two regions in Biloxi. The first region was between Division St (north), Oak St (east), Howard Ave (south) and... -
Strandings of Marine Mammals in Alabama 1978-2020
This dataset contains information about marine mammal strandings documented in Alabama waters between 1978 and 2020. Data include identity, size, condition, sex, and location... -
Helen Wood Park Restoration Project
Abstract As part of The Nature Conservancy’s NFWF and GEBF funded “Helen Wood Park/Alba Beach Restoration and Shoreline Protection Project”, the Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL)... -
Physical, chemical, and biological data as part of continuous monitoring in t...
Description Continuous monitoring data that includes water temperature, conductivity, salinity, water level, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pressure, and resistivity collected on... -
Biological, physical, and chemical data from trawl surveys in coastal waters ...
Description Fishes and macroinvertebrates were collected using a 12.8m semi-balloon trawl with 5cm mesh in spring and fall of 2010 and 2011 in the coastal waters of Alabama and... -
Fowl River, Alabama Marsh Restoration Study: Stable isotope and anthropogenic...
Description This dataset contains information collected by the Fowl River Marsh Health and Recovery Study: Stable isotope and anthropogenic influences component. Records include... -
American Horseshoe Crab Abundance in the Northern Central Gulf of Mexico from...
Description This dataset contains sightings of American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, during shoreline surveys conducted in late spring and summer in 2012 and 2013. The... -
Denitrification Capacity of a Natural and a Restored Marsh in the Northern Gu...
Description This dataset includes denitrification rates across a typical northern Gulf of Mexico salt marsh landscape that included a natural marsh, a tidal creek, and a... -
CTD data collected from a Fisheries Oceanography in Coastal Alabama (FOCAL) t...
Description Along the FOCAL Transect on the Alabama shelf, a CTD survey was conducted using Seabird SBE 25 Sealogger CTD on 06/04/2019. It measured depth (m), salinity (PSU),... -
Effects of oil exposure, plant species composition, and plant genotypic diver...
Abstract This dataset contains images and productivity data from a yearlong mesocosm experiment. We included three plant composition treatments: Spartina alterniflora only,... -
Assessment of marsh/mangrove above and below ground productivity at Chandeleu...
Abstract Productivity of Spartina alterniflora and Avicennia germinans was assessed by measuring growth of shoots/leaves between sampling periods (approximately 3 months).... -
Individual Measurements from trawl surveys of fish and invertebrates in Coast...
Abstract Fishes and macroinvertebrates were collected using a 12.8m semi-balloon otter trawl with 4 cm mesh in Spring and Fall of 2015 in the coastal waters of Alabama and... -
Bottom longline surveys of elasmobranchs and teleosts in Coastal Alabama, Mis...
Abstract Catch and individual measurements from all organisms captured on bottom longline surveys in Coastal Alabama, Mississippi, and the Chandeleur Islands in 2015. Bottom... -
Trawl surveys of fish and invertebrates in Coastal Alabama, Mississippi, and ...
Abstract Fishes and macroinvertebrates were collected using a 12.8m semi-balloon otter trawl with 4 cm mesh in Spring and Fall of 2015 in the coastal waters of Alabama and... -
Examining the role of intraspecific oyster diversity in response to oiling, d...
Abstract Oysters in the Gulf of Mexico were likely subjected to multiple stressors as a result of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill – those directly from the spill and those... -
Oyster shell heights in 2015-2016 among previously documented oiled and non-o...
Abstract Shell heights of up to 20 live oysters per size class (spat, seed, market) found in oyster reefs sampled in the early fall (September/October) and spring (April/May) in... -
Physical data for nearshore and subtidal oyster reef sites sampled in 2015 – ...
Abstract Cruise report information and physical data for oyster reef sites sampled in the early fall (September/October) and spring (April/May) from 2015 to 2016. Four... -
Taxonomic diversity among oyster reefs in 2015-2016 in previously documented ...
Abstract Abundance of live organisms (per 0.25 m2 quadrat) found in oyster reefs sampled in the early fall (September/October) and spring (April/May) from 2015 to 2016. Four...