GPS Tracking of West Indian Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) Tagged ...
GPS tracking data for ten West Indian manatees, Florida subspecies (Trichechus manatus latirostris), tracked from Mobile Bay, Alabama, to other locations on the Gulf of Mexico... -
Benthic Fauna and Hydrography at Four Sites in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta,...
Bimonthly surveys of benthic fauna were conducted at four sites in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta from November 1981 to September 1982. Two sites were at the upper reaches of the... -
Hydrographic Data from 33 sites in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta (June-August...
Hydrographic parameters were measured at 33 stations in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta between June and August 1981. parameters measured included temperature, conductivity, and... -
Analysis of benthic sediments from eleven sites in the Mobile-Tensaw River De...
Benthic sediment samples were collected from eleven stations in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta on 17 June 1981. Samples were analyzed for particle size distribution... -
Benthic fauna from 46 sites in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta (June-August 1981)
Benthic sediment samples were collected from at least 46 stations in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta between June and August 1981. Benthic fauna were counted and identified to... -
Biological Baseline Studies of Mobile Bay: Water Column Biota (1980-1981)
Zooplankton, phytoplankton, and pelagic fish were collected from eight stations within Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound between April 1980 and April 1981 (14 sampling trips).... -
Biological Baseline Studies of Mobile Bay: Benthic Fauna (1980-1981)
Sediment samples were collected monthly by Peterson grab from eight stations within Mobile Bay from April 1980 to April 1981 (14 sampling trips), and a one-time ninth station on... -
Biological Baseline Studies of Mobile Bay: Benthic Sediment Characteristics 1...
Sediment samples were collected monthly by Peterson grab from eight stations within Mobile Bay from April 1980 to April 1981 (14 sampling trips), and one station until July 1981... -
ADCNR-MRD Reef Fish At-Sea Sampling Program (2016-2021)
Data on fish captured via hook and line by recreational deep sea fishermen in the northern Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Alabama, beginning in 2016. Data include:... -
ADCNR-MRD Alabama Oyster Management Program - Scuba Quadrat Dive Survey Data ...
Within the boundaries of known oyster reef footprints in coastal Alabama waters, sample sites are randomly chosen by deploying a 300-foot transect line in a random direction,... -
ADCNR-MRD Gillnet Sampling Program Datasets (2000-present)
Fish captured by gillnet in Alabama coastal waters since 2000 are identified to species, enumerated, and measured for length, weight, and gonad weight, by mesh size. Fish age is... -
ADCNR-MRD Fisheries Assessment and Monitoring Program (FAMP) Datasets (1981-p...
Data about marine fauna captured in Alabama coastal waters by otter trawl, seine, and beam plankton trawl since 1981. Fauna include molluscs, crustaceans, echinoderms,... -
ADCNR-MRD Blue Crab Fishery Observer Datasets (2015 - present)
Fisheries biologists from the Alabama Dept of Conservation and Natural Resources - Marine Resources Division accompany local trap fishermen on their vessels to collect data on... -
ADCNR-MRD Bait Fish Survey Datasets (2015 - present)
Species identification, enumeration, and length and weight measurements of small pelagic fish captured by push net in six coastal rivers of Alabama (Dog River, Fowl River, Fish...