Submerged Aquatic Vegetation of Coastal Alabama - GPS Field Points Data (MBNE...
This data set consists of GPS point data documenting the location and species composition of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in coastal Alabama, collected as part of a remote... -
Marsh Health Study East Fowl River (AL) Vegetation Transects 2018
For the Fowl River Marsh Health Study, vegetation transects were plotted at 25-m intervals, perpendicular to the shoreline across each study site. Percent cover of individual... -
Marsh Health Study East Fowl River, Mobile County (AL) Submerged Aquatic Vege...
GPS location data was collected during in-water SAV surveys in October 2018, along the margins of five marsh study sites in East Fowl River, AL. SAV in the Fowl River transition... -
Marsh Health Study East Fowl River, Mobile County (AL) Submerged Aquatic Vege...
GPS data was collected along the inner and outer boundaries of SAV beds in October 2018, along the margins of three spits in East Fowl River, AL. ESRI polygon coverage was... -
D'Olive Bay Watershed 2019 Stream Quality
Rapid Stream Assessment (RSA) was performed in the field in four stream restoration catchments including Joe's Branch, D'Olive Creek, D'Olive Creek DA Tributary, and Tiawasee... -
D'Olive Bay Watershed 2019 RSA and WRAP Habitat Assessment
Rapid Stream Assessment (RSA) and Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure (WRAP) scores were determined during 2019 field surveys in the D'Olive Bay sub-watersheds, principally at... -
D'Olive Bay Watershed 2019 Wetland Extent and Quality
To map wetlands in the D'Olive watershed the Baldwin County Wetland Advanced Identification Map (ADID, 2005) was used as a starting condition and updated with 2018-2019 ortho... -
Colored Infrared Aerial Photography of Eight Mile Creek, Mobile County, Alaba...
Color infrared (CIR) aerial photography was acquired over the approximately 56 square mile (90 square kilometer) Eight Mile Creek watershed of Mobile County, Alabama on February... -
Invasive Species in the Three Mile Creek Watershed in Mobile, Alabama, 2018
This dataset is the attribute table of a point shapefile which represents 368 plots in the Three Mile Creek Watershed in Mobile, Alabama. Each data row represents a plot that... -
Redhead Duck (Aythya americana) Feeding Activity and Gut Content Analysis at ...
Waterfowl (redhead diving duck, Aythya americana) activity observed over two winter seasons from December 2013 and ending in March 2015. Also included are gut contents of... -
Exclusion Experiment Data on Seagrass Biomass at Three Sites in Coastal Alaba...
Seagrass biomass (shoal grass, Halodule wrightii and widgeon grass, Ruppia maritima) collected over two years starting December 2013 and ending in September 2015. Also included... -
DockWatch Jellyfish Sightings (2001-2008)
Volunteers along the coasts of Alabama and Mississippi collected environmental data and visual observations of jellyfish species and numbers between 2001 and 2008. -
Fisheries Oceanography in Coastal Alabama (FOCAL) Mooring CTD and ADCP Data n...
A continuous time series of temperature, salinity, density, and current velocity data at twenty minute intervals, collected between 24 March and 29 September, 2010, from a small... -
Mud blister worm infestation and recovery in farmed oysters along the Alabama...
Data included here relates to two experiments conducted in off-bottom oyster farms along Alabama?s coast. Data includes information related to worm abundance, blister abundance,... -
Macrobenthic community structure and influence on denitrification capacity in...
This dataset is comprised of information on re-sampled locations and corresponding nutrient flux measurements from a subset of sites across Mobile Bay, Alabama. Resampling... -
Macrobenthic community structure and influence on denitrification capacity in...
This dataset is comprised of environmental characteristics of sites sampled across Mobile Bay, Alabama, including abiotic (locations, depth, sediment type, salinity, dissolved... -
Transport of biodeposits and benthic footprint around an oyster farm, Damaris...
These datasets were generated from a project in which we examined the effect of flow on biodeposit transport and deposition by calculating a rough aquaculture �footprint�... -
Infestation of Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) by Adult Mudblister Worms (Pol...
Data in this record refers to information pertinent to the study conducted by Sarah Cole as part of her Master's thesis project. This record refers to oyster collections and... -
Infestation of Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) by Adult Mudblister Worms (Pol...
Data in this record refers to information pertinent to the study conducted by Sarah Cole as part of her Master's thesis project. This record refers to oyster collections and... -
Infestation of Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) by Adult Mudblister Worms (Pol...
Data in this record refers to information pertinent to the study conducted by Sarah Cole as part of her Master's thesis project. This record refers to oyster collections from...